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Hey, There!
I’m Nicole.

Welcome to my website! I’ve accomplished a few things these last few years and I’d love to share some of my path with you here. I’ll give you the cliff notes. Currently I have my own practice as a Functional Nutrition Counselor. And what brought me to this way of serving began when I captured my journey in 2017 and then published my book in May of 2020. I certainly didn’t set out to become any kind of nutritional career person, but I’ve been organically led to this beautiful place of service. You are welcome to contact me at to schedule a quick clarity call if this is of interest to you.


I am a self-published author and I am available to come to your place of business and speak on a plethora of subjects including functional nutrition, spirituality, motivational speaking, women empowerment, and even suicide prevention as a 41-year suicide attempt survivor. It’s a taboo subject that I seem to be able to handle, especially since I won a Sound Bites award back in 2018 for featured radio show I did at 95.9 WATD on the subject by the Massachusetts Broadcasters Association. It was such a blessing to be able to shed some light on the subject while coming out as an attempt survivor myself.


At WATD I created and hosted my own show called Powerful Women Revealed and the podcasts from almost 10 years are all still out there on iTunes and Spotify and maybe a few other places. It was such a wonderful experience to support women for all those years with what I coined as quality media broadcasting for local women in business to gain visibility and bring awareness about their expertise to the community. What a blast it was to empower and support so many women!


Through my radio show experience came the birth of my book and a mastermind that I still lead to this day called Powerful Women Rise. Oh the connections we have made through the years with some incredibly humble and caring women in our communities! This mastermind has evolved into a spiritual mastermind for women entrepreneurs. The experience is all about the mentorship, the safe space and the trusting environment where we stand in our value and create actionable steps to keep the needle of our businesses moving forward, at our own pace. It’s such an invigorating experience every time I walk into a meeting and walk out. It doesn’t even matter the location or how many women are in attendance. The result is always uplifting.


And gosh, previous to all of this I actually created a photo business that I was running out of my basement called Physical Photos (originally Images Everything). That was such an incredible experience too! I got to pour my creative energy into making custom gifts for people from over 180 items to choose from. I even created a catalog! Oh that was so cool! And the best part of that was that I transitioned from being a stay-at-home mom to a work-from-home entrepreneur. What a blessing for sure. And at the time I had four kids under the age of 10. I’m sure you can picture that! And I put their photos on everything! It was so much fun. Until I got bit by the radio bug. Lol


It is truly quite amazing how I have been able to keep tweaking how I serve and grow both personally and professionally on my journey.


Thank you for visiting and I look forward to connecting in some way together soon!

Nicole Perry Portrait

What I Do Best

Is serve other women in business by showcasing everything they do best..


Marketing yourself strategically by solidifying yourself as an expert in your field and bringing great clarity to the listeners.

Motivational talks for the entrepreneurial spirited businesswoman on marketing, ideal clients, audience, self-care, self-publishing, and more.
Clear understanding and actionable steps to creating a unique podcast or shifting your business energy.
A mini-mastermind group with exclusivity so you can strategically work ON your business.

I can allow myself to be seen in a vulnerable light, because being vulnerable is not a weakness,
but a strength.

– Nicole perry

Contact Nicole

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Stay in the loop! I'll usually share info on functional nutrition, networking luncheons, our spiritual mastermind, book signings, and of course our December Peaceful Women Retreat! 

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