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Nicole Perry Portrait

Functional Nutrition Counseling

There is a gap in the healthcare system; a gap between the medical professionals and you. 

Functional Nutrition is about feeding the body nutrition—so it can function the way it was meant to. 

What I do is create a map for my clients… to get from where they are—to where they want to be—on a road to sustainable health—all-encompassing the mind, body, and spirit. 

The intention of my functional nutrition practice is to serve by supporting people with facts about nutrition/how it relates to the human body, counseling support, and spiritual guidance. The strategies are simple yet profound. And through these strategies and complete awareness, I personally created positive and clear results for myself that stacked on one another—day after glorious day. Slow and steady wins the race. 

Functional Nutrition Matters Counseling Offerings

Nicole Perry

Nicole Perry

2018 - 2024

Functional Nutrition Counselor

Author of “I Am On A Love Diet”

Here’s How We’ll Work Together:

Step 1: Strategy Session 
Offering a 15-20 minute free Strategy Session to answer questions and explain services in order to determine if the prospective client is a good fit for these counseling services. 

Step 2: Choose A Package 

Client chooses a package. The minimum requirement to begin services is the 3-Week Priority Start as this is the foundation. Each package investment can be applied to any next level package within two weeks of the last session completed of the original package. Any client can choose to forgo further package upgrades and continue w/individual counseling at a pre-paid hourly rate of $125. 

Step 3: Intake Form 

Client completes the Comprehensive Intake Form and returns it at least 48 hours prior to the first session. Sessions are scheduled weekly. 

Step 4: Dedicated 1-hour Health History Session 

This session provides a completed Timeline for the client based on the information gathered during the strategy session and Intake Form where we will use as our foundation. 

Step 5: Dedicated 1-hour Functional Nutrition Session 

This session provides a Functional Nutrition Matrix for the client, based on their personal timeline and previous sessions held. The Functional Nutrition Matrix is a living, breathing, and wholistic resource that I encourage to be brought to medical appointments. 

Step 6: Nutrition Counseling 

This 1-hour Nutrition Counseling session is to discuss the client’s challenges, my recommendations, and next steps. This session ends the 3-Week Priority Start offering. If appropriate, the client can continue with Functional Nutrition Matters Counseling Sessions via the 12-Week Deep Dive, the 26-Week Intensive, or through individual counseling sessions at the prepaid hourly rate of $125. 

On-Going Functional Nutrition Counseling 

The primary goal is a joint one because we are co-creators. Beyond your expectations I can help you get on a healthier path by sharing facts about nutrition, providing resources and tools, creating positive energy around your experience, and giving spiritual guidance through my recommendations and our time together. 

The time is now so take charge of your health like never before! Your health is more than a priority; it’s crucial. If we don’t take the time to care about our physical and mental health, who will? 

I appreciate you—and where you are at. And I am blessed for this opportunity to be considered as part of your overall health and wellness plan and I look forward to witnessing your discoveries and progress. 

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