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Suddenly I’m starving.   To make the most of my time, I decide to stay in the area and have a nice lunch between meetings.  I spend ten minutes wrapping up my phone before going inside.  As I approach the desk, I playfully share that I am alone, in an over the top broadcasting voice, so fun.  Energy is being exchanged with ease and easily exchanged.  I can smell fresh new possibilities in the air. 

As I’m being seated I remember my “non resolution” word of intention this year, “me”.  I do spend a lot of time putting my energy into others, so I thought it befitting to bring some attention back to self.  Some other words that support my word come to mind as I absorb the atmosphere.  Awareness takes me to the countless televisions to look at, the music projecting from the ceiling, and the voices carrying from section to staff section.  I am happily alone, and quietly observe the room filled with motion, noise & the power of suggestions.  I find inner peace and surrender to the controlled chaos, much like a few weeks ago when I was a mere speck in the masses of Boston traffic that extended beyond the eyes could see.  I saw only beauty. 

I am approached by very good energy.  I make some minor adjustments to a meal on the menu, and the waitress adds yet another clever one.  She breathes easy and is resistance free.  Her eyes screamed with cheery delight and positivity.  I think oh how we could all use some more of these qualities. Thank you Tina Goulat, forget you not.  I wonder why some relationships get better with age and some seem to rot. 

Across the room is a teen searching his phone for a bite confidence.  It appears he is avoiding eye contact and embracing mind compact.  He is barely here and everywhere.  My phone is in reach but mindfully face down.  The manager hand delivers my lunch and is eager to make it a special.  I start salivating as I decorate the protein with my side dish.  Tina returns and we emotionally exchange a few veggie recipes. “This meal was made with love wasn’t it?” I say. 

I eat alone with admiration, and absorb the strength of the vegetables.  My Shazam captures a new song to my ears, and then of course 1980 appears.  Tina is back and I ask her if she’s new.  Yes, I’m a little bit nosey, and a little bit country too.  She is off again and I see she has cleared my plates like a magician.  The experience is sadly almost over.  I’m now imagining the life of a respected food critic. 

As I continue to the evening in my restaurant day affair, I find myself in another interesting atmosphere.  No televisions here and the buzz of weekend activities fill the air.  Each meal is delivered with caution and accuracy and the respect is clear.  Is that judgment I smell or perhaps money over there?  I swirl my chardonnay with attention to nose and full immersion.  The bus gal takes to my kind questions and offers a personal story.  This day was filled with easy energy.  The brief relationships today helped me think of what some of my relationships mean to me and what some of them could be.  All in all, today I was free to be me.